SNC Lavalin already has a ‘Engineering Net Zero’ website and internal sharepoint site
Building Design have a sustainability team investigating potential ’Carbon Calculation Tool’ for Green Infrastructure
As a team Atkins landscape architects have most skillsets associated with the criteria required to achieve Net Zero Landscapes (see Summary page of presentation)
Where we can improve / ideas brought forward
How do we claim territory and show leadership?
We need a clear vision on how all our work comes together, how it is joined up
We as landscape architects are ‘Natural’ integrators. We need to tell the story
What does it mean to us?
Carrying on as existing is not an option
What can we do to feel empowered to challenge
Have better presence in relevant steering groups e.g. Building Design sustainability team
Lessons learnt e.g. from Edinburgh
What does it mean to our clients?
They are not the experts. We need to help them meet their objectives
Can we disrupt how our clients commission us
Next steps
Set up a framework of Landscape ‘sustainability ambassadors’ aligned with Building Design Sustainability Team
Currently we only have Ellie Wade in SW region. Needs expanding
Input to creation of ’Carbon Calculation Tool’ for Green Infrastructure
Establish a vision / tactics to tell our story
It is essential that a focussed and discipline relevant strategy is produced to ensure what we do aligns with key targets
Align this with SNC Lavalin’s ‘Engineering Net Zero’ goals
Establish lessons learnt from Edinburgh study
o Translate how it can be applied to other regional cities. Might translate better to other devolved nations but also need to determine how to apply to English cities
Potential Pilot studies
Choose three key clients
Determine what are their objectives ‘Policy, Politics, Money and Vision’
Go to them offering Net Zero / Green and Blue infrastructure pilot study (using lessons learnt from Edinburgh)